Too often we forget.
We forget that we are human.
Or we deny this in favour of our spiritual
We are spiritual beings living a human
Yet, I feel in this phrase we place too
much emphasis on the fact that we are spiritual beings, which we are.
Yet we forget the pivotal fact that right
now we are in fact living a human experience.
So yes at our essence we are infinite.
In essence we embrace all aspects.
In essence, we love all.
We are all.
But in this reality right here right now,
we are human and we experience emotions. We experience sadness, anger, and
fear, along with happiness, joy, and pleasure.
We experience jealousy, frustration, and shame, along with understanding,
compassion, and peace.
We experience it all, and that is the
beauty of the human experience.
One of the many.
The capacity to experience so much, for
when we are not fighting with our emotions, or even when we are, the intensity
that comes with allowing ourselves to feel.
It can be exciting.
It permeates our whole being, engulfing,
Life is like a rollercoaster ride…
There are ups and there are downs, but
that’s what makes it exciting. That’s what makes it fun.
For without sadness we wouldn’t be able to
distinguish happiness.
Without frustration we wouldn’t be able to
distinguish the peace.
So there is really no need to suppress any
side of us that we might deem as UNspiritual or inadequate.
There is no need to suppress any aspect of
us at all.
If we wanted to be pure spiritual beings we
wouldn’t be living this human experience.
So let’s release our judgements, and
express ourselves without restraint.
Anger, fear, pain, jealousy.
Joy, happiness, and laughter.
All of it is beyond perfection.