Monday, 15 September 2014

InSane- the sanity within

If I can feel it, they can feel it too.
Nothing is mine,
not even my truth.

And what is truth?
In a world where change is the only constant.
What is truth?
In a world where all we know for certain is that we know nothing at all.

What's really going on here?
What is left to be resolved?
What is it we are searching for?

Inner peace?

Searching erratically all around for that which we already have within.
Creating chaos to obtain stillness.

Latching onto external factors to create this sensation, only temporarily.
Forgetting that the only one who can provide yourself with this sensation, this feeling, this manner of being, is yourself.
Forgetting that no matter what is going on in the world outside, through the storms of madness, through all manners of sadness - this sense, we always have within; this sense we can always reach and connect with.

is this our truth?

So what is it you're afraid of?
What's holding you back?
From letting down your defences;
to Be vulnerable.
Emotionally naked
and bare.