Wednesday, 3 December 2014

The attraction of opposites

Sometimes it takes losing our sight, for us to see clearly.

Sometimes it takes the smell of the gutters, to appreciate the sweet scent of a rose.

Sometimes it takes going deaf, for us to appreciate the sound of music.

And sometimes it takes feeling out of touch, for us to remember what it is to feel.

Maybe we need to lose ourselves, so we can find our way home.

Maybe we need to forget who we are, so as to remember who we can be.

Maybe we need to reach hopelesness, to find the beauty in all things.

Maybe then we will find that what we thought we had lost, has been with us all along.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Embracing who we are

Life liven in harmony-with all aspects in balance. Harmonizing the internal and the external.

Disharmony in any one aspect will cause a ripple effect, as this then trickles into the others.

The holographic universe.

Maybe it's simply a matter of acceptance.
Of allowing ourselves not to be perfect.

And allowing our humaness to shine forth through our quirks and imperfections.

Allowing ourselves to be who we are and not striving towards who we think we ought to be.

"Love me, love me!"
 a baby cries.

Love her truly so that she may have the freedom to choose to love herself.
Love her in her fullness and entirety.
Give her the freedom to express all that which she deems needs expressing.
And love her for it so that she may love herself.

It is perfectly acceptable for you to be yourself. 
Be. Be. Be

We are loving human beings.

Monday, 15 September 2014

InSane- the sanity within

If I can feel it, they can feel it too.
Nothing is mine,
not even my truth.

And what is truth?
In a world where change is the only constant.
What is truth?
In a world where all we know for certain is that we know nothing at all.

What's really going on here?
What is left to be resolved?
What is it we are searching for?

Inner peace?

Searching erratically all around for that which we already have within.
Creating chaos to obtain stillness.

Latching onto external factors to create this sensation, only temporarily.
Forgetting that the only one who can provide yourself with this sensation, this feeling, this manner of being, is yourself.
Forgetting that no matter what is going on in the world outside, through the storms of madness, through all manners of sadness - this sense, we always have within; this sense we can always reach and connect with.

is this our truth?

So what is it you're afraid of?
What's holding you back?
From letting down your defences;
to Be vulnerable.
Emotionally naked
and bare.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Forget the questions and listen to the answers

If we can see clearly, what's working, what's not, what's useful, what's not..

yet we still continue to make up excuses.

We might as well still be hiding, behind our mask, lost in the fog.

We might as well not be awake.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

We think too much and feel too little - BOOM!

When we transcend identification with the self.
We release judgement.
We release our preconceptions.

When we feel that emotion,
identify sensation,
and realize
deep within
that it is not ours;
it is simply a vibration permeating the universe.
Permeating us
Permeating everyone and everything.

We are emotion.

We are vibration.

Yet as soon as we try to put words to it,
to define,
we limit.
It no longer is what it initially was.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Carpe Diem

In this great paradox of life,
it would seem that change is the only constant.

All journey's have a beginning and an end.

We all start at zero, go somewhere, and end at zero

So lets enjoy the journey to its fullest.

Because you never know when it might all suddenly come to an end.

So where are you now?

Thursday, 3 July 2014

As we expand and embrace

When we ignore limitations;
listen to our Dreams,
and follow our hearts.

As the rational mind fades into the background;
and we allow ourselves to Feel.

When we listen to all that.

When we hear all that.

When we actively create our own reality.

Not with force, but loosely,
with imagination.

It all comes true.

We dance and we sing.

We love and we live.



We stretch.
Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.
And beyond that.
We extend our senses.
We stretch our mind.
We stretch our entire being. 
And beyond that.
We connect
to all that is without
and bring it within.

Because this is reality.

We have arrived.
We are no longer trying to reach.
To achieve.
To obtain.

Welcome home

Friday, 21 March 2014

Vibration is what we are

We may believe we are solid, and from one perspective we are.

From another we are all vibration.

Particles and molecules bouncing around, moving so fast we appear solid.

Like sound.

Like music.

Like this:

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Outside of your comfort zone

That feeling: the one that we initially might perceive as discomfort. Could it in fact be a sign of comfort? That we are in the exact place we need to be for change to occur; for our unfoldment to take place.

If we so choose