Why? How? - A little child within stamps it's feet in frustration: "how can this be!"
So let's take a step back, close our eyes, take a deep breath, count to three, whatever we need to do realign with our selves.
Now let's open our eyes, let the light in, and look for the unity within that duality. It's always there, beneath the outter facade of seeming contrast: clearly the two sides point to the same truth, they're just different ends of the same stick.
The bigger picture is the fundamental core, the conflicting theories are just details.
Let's take some examples:
-We know that all we have, and all we know is right here, right Now. Nothing else matters right? Yet on the other hand we know yesterday happened, and tomorrow will most certainly happen too, and they do have their impact on the Now. So how can we live in the Now, and live the past and future at the same time? How can both these statements be true? The trick being to focus on today, live it to the fullest, don't hold onto to yesterdays sorrows, or live for tomorrow's joys; yet be aware and conscious that today is yesterdays creation, and our actions today will have consequences tomorrow.
-We know we are human, and we know we are spiritual beings. Often I feel this contrast between the views of my human personality, and the views of my soul within, my higher self. The reality being we are spiritual beings living a human experience, so our soul can guide us, give us nudges, yet it is this human vessel which will carry out our everyday tasks, so lets not be too hard on ourselves.
-Each individual is unique, we are all special; yet at the same time we are all exactly the same. How can I be unique if I'm just like everyone else? In essence we are all the same, all capable of the same emotions, capable of relating to each other in any way we choose; yet it's the small details that make us different. Each of our life experiences creates who we each are in this life, making everyone single one of us special and unique in our own way.
So now, let's not give up in frustration at all these seemingly opposing viewpoints, and be grateful for what we know. Open our eyes to the bigger picture, and take all viewpoints into consideration.
None of it is only black, none of it is only white, it's all just different shades of grey.