Sunday, 11 November 2012

Who am I?

The question resonating in the minds of many
Who am I?
Sometimes we approach it with a gentle curiosity, and others with sheer frustration.
Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?!?!
Seeking desperately for an answer that  just won't come.
So over time we accumulate characteristics that we think might define this I we refer to: likes, dislikes, beliefs, values, morals, principles... and so on.
Now think again, where do all of these features come from, they're not appearing out of thin air. In fact we're just taking other peoples likes, dislikes, beliefs, and adopting them as our own. Every belief we have comes from somewhere, we listen, read, watch, and whatever we like we adopt as our own, so now that persons belief is a part of me. It is the I. Or so we believe.
It's a matter of the mind. We could easily change any of these characteristics any day if we so chose.
This can't be what defines us, it's too impermanent. This is the ego.
Yet we are all so convinced that these are this I we were searching for. We need these things, these appearances, these characteristics to define us. Define us compared to what? To everyone else??

The truth is there is no me and you. There's us. We are all one. Inevitably. Interdependent. Whether we like it or not, whether we choose to accept it or refuse it, we're all exactly the same. Love. We are all love. We love to love. Even hate is the fear of love. So let go of the barriers, let go of the fears, and embrace all. May you call them your friend, enemy, or family, we are all one, and we are all love, different parts of the same body. One soul. One love. Without one there would be no other.

And as for the original question of who am I?

I. Is simply I. The sheer act of existing and breathing is all we are. Consciousness you can call it. There is nothing more to it than being. There doesn't need to be more to it.

But who am I? You may still ponder.

The question is unimportant, the answer exists all on it's own.