Monday, 11 June 2012

What this world could be..

This is a video about the venus project. It's an idea. An idea of how this world could be, without money, all living as one. It's just one idea. A possibility. Something like this, is the ONLY way forward.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Growing up and the paranormal

We enter this life innocent and pure. Full of creativity and joy, with our imaginations running wild. The only sadness we know is when our needs of love, food, and sleep are left unfulfilled. None of these crazy mind games and problems we create for ourselves now. Now that we've "grown up".

As children we know we are children and our parents are "grown ups", we almost admire them, one day we will be them, one day we will "grow up". We believe in magic, fairies, angels, the paranormal; but we know the grown ups don't believe in these, and so the idea is planted: one day we will be like that, one day we must "grow up".

I ask why? Why does "growing up" mean letting go of our imagination, our creativity, our search for fun. Why do we stop playing? Stop making believe? Stop being silly? Stop creating?

Why does growing mean becoming so damn serious?

Grown ups can play, and I know for a fact we enjoy it too. So why not do it? It is OK. It is the most beautiful thing to see adults playing and enjoying the simple things that they did as kid.
I was walking along the street one day and there was a man making really really big bubbles, the size of humans. Everyone was stopping, adults, children, dogs. It brought so much happiness. Smiles, joy, amazement. Just for some bubbles. So simple. Yet if that man hadn't been right bang in the middle of the street, nobody would have been enjoying this.

Why as "grown ups" do we forget to make times for these simple pleasures?

Or even play dough ("modelling clay" if you want). You give an adult play dough, and they have so much fun with it, I've seen it. Merging colors together and creating. Or any toy really, you see it, adults playing with kids, when they're not absolutely exhausted from running after them, we love it. And it is ok to play, there is nothing wrong with being what some might call "childish". Its ok to enjoy these "childish" games. It's not being childish after all, it's going back to our essence, where we originated. There was never any reason to change. There was never a need to "grow up". It's just an idea planted in all out heads, and we all do it, it's what everyone does, but there's no need. What we NEED is to enjoy ourselves, to have fun, to play, to create, to be. We were born that way, why is there this idea that that should end.

Another notion that comes about as we "grow up" is that everything should make sense, everything should be logical. We have to be able to explain everything, understand everything. If we can't explain something logically then it is not possible.

I assure you, the paranormal exists.

Extra terrestrials. They are out there. There is no reason why we should be the only life form in all this space. Humans have encountered them. Yet we try to deny it. Why? If you don't believe it then even just crop circles. We don't have the intelligence to produce these. These extra terrestrials are of super high intelligence, they have the answers to all our problems of scarcity which they try to communicate with us through these crop circles. Yet you tell some people this and they'll just laugh in your face (On a side note I strongly reccomend watching Thrive, you can watch it online for free at . This documentary discusses possible sources of unlimited free energy and other really interesting matters)

Just because we don't understand something, doesn't make it any less real.

Then there's magic. Magic is real. Life is magic. The fact that we all exist here, with everything else on this planet, in what once was such a harmonious manner - that is magic.
As humans we have the ability to control things with out mind: move objects, bring things about. Once upon a time in many cultures this was common, yet as we have "advanced" and progressed to where we are today we no longer need these powers, and so the have been forgotten. Today we underestimate the power of the human mind. We live in an era where we hardly use our brains anymore, but I assure you, the human mind is one of the most powerful things out there. Telepathy, telekenesis, teleporting. We can communicate with just brain waves, but we have phones and computers these days, so all these skills have been forgotten. We even have the ability to heal ourselves and others. But we have hospitals and medicine which we have to pay for now, so why use our own free abilities. It's madness. We've managed to create so many things that can do everything for us, we no longer do anything for ourselves. We've forgotten, but we can remember.

All it takes is belief, patience, and time, to reconnect with this. It's all real. 

Then there are the non-physical beings. One might call them ghosts, spirits. It's all real. You feel them, that presence, that energy, it's undeniable. Yet we're brought to believe that these are just fairytales, and we accept this. We accept everything we're told. So here's me telling you now:

anything and everything is possible: magic, fairies, spirits, ghosts, teleporting, telepathy, all of it. All it takes is reconnecting with our true essence and who we are, and from there it can all happen.