The essential nature of humans is to be.
Just be.
Existing in harmony with all our surroundings. Be it people, animals, plants, a mountain, or a river. Everything. It is that simple to be fully content and satisfied with the life you're living. Enjoy and savour to the fullest every single moment. Where you are. How you feel. How it feels to be where you are. The past, it's not real, it's not current, it's imaginary, just signals being transmitted in your brain. It's not concrete. Nothing can be achieved by reliving the past, worrying about, thinking about what could have been, how you could have done better. It's not worth it, all it can bring you is unhappiness. Why opt for unhappiness and disatisfaction when you can opt for happiness? Yes there are also the happy memories, but then, you've already enjoyed those moments, and reliving them takes you out of the bauty of this moment which you can only experience right now! Regrets bring sadness, and without all of those regrets you would not be the person you here today, and you are meant to be this person. Everything in the world, this life, everything, is exactly how its supposed to be. Our life is a never ending learning curve.
If you choose to learn.
Every single experience has something to teach you. It is the worst moments that are the ones we have the most to learn from, so look at them. Focus on what brings you fear, anger, the characteristics you dislike about people; these are what can teach you the most, what you have the most to learn from. When we don't learn from our mistakes, we repeat them over and over again. The same mistake over and over, and you ask yourself why? Why always to you?? You haven't learned. At the core of these errors is always a spiritual message. A lesson.
There is so much to learn.
Back to being.
I am.
The essence of life.
The past is done, so forget about it. As for the future, it is unknown to us, uncertain. We have absolutely no control over it; and that's ok! Some find this scary. Powerless to THE future. Others refuse to accept this, and try and try to control it. It is extremely stressful and tiresome. Most of all, unecessary. We don't need to control the future. All we have to do is accept it, because if we let it play out, everything WILL be exactly how it is supposed to be. And as a bonus, by not worrying, you get to live in the moment and enjoy yourself. Enjoy here and now, don't waste your time, and your happiness worrying about what might or might not be. You will never know until you're living it so chill out a minute and relax. Plus by the time whatever you were worrying about actually happens you'll probably be too busy worrying about sthe next thing to care anymore.
It's funny. The way we've brought ourselves to live.
So many people walk around in a daze, zoned out by the amount of different things going on everwhere. On autopilot. Tv, computers, videogames, staring at these screens just feeding you information, zoned out, totally unaware of what's going on in the surroundings. Notice how people often don't hear you when they're using these electronics. Very little thinking for ourselves. The same brief polite conversations with the shopkeeper. Or no communication at all with the lady at the cash desk. The brain needs exercize. SOCIAL NETWORKING. What happened to real life socialization? Phones. Sms. Constantly on these gadgets. You see it everywhere. People together all constantly looking down at screens, going out of the moment. Leaving the happingess, trying unsuccessfully to be somewhere else. Which they're not.
It makes no sense.
Trying to be these super beings. We want it all. To be everywhere, to do everything, to know everyone, to know everything, to have everything,just give us more more MORE!!! And for what purpose?! There will always be more to want, to know, to do, see, to have, we will never have it all.
We want to be gods. For what purpose?
This is not happiness. Having it all, knowing it all, that doesn't bring happiness. There still is that tight empty feeling in the pit of your stomach, the one shouting at you that's somethings missing. Or maybe it's just a whisper telling you that something isn't right. Listen to that voice. Feel it. That's the essence of your being. Juts feel it. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breath and see what it actually feels like. There you go. You're being. Once you pay attention to that emptiness, feel it, it doesn't feel so bad. It's like a shout. Calling out to you, shouting, screaming. You want to be.
What is missing is happiness. All it takes to be happy is to live in the moment, and not worry, becase nothing really does matter other than being happy. Nothing. Just be, and be happy. You and only you can provide yourself with this. It is so simple, yet we forget it. Sometimes we think it's the right thing to put others happiness first, it isn't. If you are unhappy you send out those vibrations, and project that unhappiness on those around you, those you care for, those you love. And attract those vibrations. Energy. It's like if you put two guitar strings on two walls opposite each other. Pull a guitar string on one, and the same vibration will ring back from the other. Just like that when you're vibrating happiness and love, this will be projected on you're surroundings and the people within those surroundings. Your happiness will bring happiness to those around you. It's hard to be unhappy around a happy person.
So simple.