This planet is beauty. The way in which we humans have chose to live on it in recent years is sheer folly. Inside down and upside out.
All our core beliefs based on fear. It is not our fault or something to repent for, it was how we were brought up. Fear, Fear, Fear. Imprinted into all actions, thoughts, ideas. Fear. Fear of all that we see as being outside of us. Fear. Fear of love. We imagine some sort of seperation between all that is within us and the external world; and so we create our armour, protection : walls, barriers, safety nets, facades; anything and everything we can to stop any eventuality of pain, suffering, offense, embarrassment. All for this Fear. Fear of what? Fear of hate? Once we put up these barriers not only do we block out the hate, but then we also stop the natural flow of Love, both in and out.
For now this is all ok, it is completely normal, it's what we're brought up with. Our parents telling us not to do things for fear of hurt, punishment, isolation,...
School, making us all obey for fear of punishment. In turn making us all the same, all normal, no one wants to be below average, and no one wants to stand out and excel, we all just want to be the same, to fit in. For fear of not fitting in.
The truth is nobody is normal, nobody is average, nobody is below average.
We are all special, we are all unique, we are all Love.
Now that we are aware of the root of this Fear, and that it's not our fault, it is time to get actively involved in our own upbringing. It is not ok to just blame our caretakers and let things be, for neither was it their fault as they were brought up in the exact same way. No longer are we innocent children, unaware of reality, now we are mature, with access to infinite knowledge. It is up to us to provide ourselves with the Love that is ours by birthright. It is up to us to take responsibility for ourselves, thoughts, and actions. It is up to us to bring ourselves up.
So lets bring down thes barriers we've created, to separate us, tell us we're all different, for this is but an illusion. We are all the same, we are all one. We all originated from the same source, we all are the source, just different pieces of the same puzzle. So lets embrace each other and be whole again. Paint the picture whole. Have no Fear of hate for it is but the fear of Love; and Love will always outshine hate.
Light a candle in a dark room and the whole room lights up, bring a box full of darkness into a well lit room and the room will always remain bright. Unless the light source breaks. So never let go of that love.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Spirituality - The cure to depression in the western society
In this western society, the view we take of life is a depressed one.
The three fundamental beliefs about the essence of us humans are the following:
-Human life is the result of pure chance. A coincidence.
-We live in a universe we know nothing of, completely external to us, disconnected,
-We come from nothingness and will return to nothingness when we die.
Pointed out so clearly I can't help but laugh when I see this statements.
These symptoms are all too similar to those of depression as described by Aaron Beck:
-"I am a worthless person."
-"The world is an inhospitable place."
-"My past is tragedy; my future is hopeless."
I believe it is time to change these basic views and accept that we are spiritual beings living a human experience. We have some form of consciousness that isn't physical and must exist separate from our physical human form. We are one with this planet interconnected and intertwined with it, and are completely capable of living in harmony with it.
The most accepted definition of spirituality is that it is something that people feel, believe in, follow, that gives those who believe a greater quality of life. A happier life experience. It's completely natural. Our essence. Calling out to every single one of us. So lets stop fighting it and welcome it in with open arms.
Lets erase fear and doubt from the hearts of the people. Lets open our arms and embrace this planet, Gaia. Lets stop it's destruction. Let's stop the war. Let's stop the pollution. Let go of all this pain and hurt, and let us be one.
The three fundamental beliefs about the essence of us humans are the following:
-Human life is the result of pure chance. A coincidence.
-We live in a universe we know nothing of, completely external to us, disconnected,
-We come from nothingness and will return to nothingness when we die.
Pointed out so clearly I can't help but laugh when I see this statements.
These symptoms are all too similar to those of depression as described by Aaron Beck:
-"I am a worthless person."
-"The world is an inhospitable place."
-"My past is tragedy; my future is hopeless."
I believe it is time to change these basic views and accept that we are spiritual beings living a human experience. We have some form of consciousness that isn't physical and must exist separate from our physical human form. We are one with this planet interconnected and intertwined with it, and are completely capable of living in harmony with it.
The most accepted definition of spirituality is that it is something that people feel, believe in, follow, that gives those who believe a greater quality of life. A happier life experience. It's completely natural. Our essence. Calling out to every single one of us. So lets stop fighting it and welcome it in with open arms.
Lets erase fear and doubt from the hearts of the people. Lets open our arms and embrace this planet, Gaia. Lets stop it's destruction. Let's stop the war. Let's stop the pollution. Let go of all this pain and hurt, and let us be one.
In other words.
Lets love. For love is all we are.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Perception. What are we actually seeing?
There is so much distance between what is physically outside
there: an object, a person, animal, plant, mineral, spec of dust, whatever; and us
perceiving it: our brain giving us information about this object, what
it is and that it's there. Perception. Tainted with our ideas, emotions, thoughts, opinions; preconceptions, ours and those of others. Preconceptions of how things usually are, how things should be, how things shouldn't be, what exists, what doesn't exist, what's possible, what's impossible, what we like, what we don't like, and so much more.
Everything we percieve travels and morphs during perception, so that when our brain eventually registers it and gives us information on what we're seeing, it no longer is the object or situation that exists out there on its own without us perceiving it.
Everything we percieve travels and morphs during perception, so that when our brain eventually registers it and gives us information on what we're seeing, it no longer is the object or situation that exists out there on its own without us perceiving it.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Who am I?
The question resonating in the minds of many
Who am I?
Sometimes we approach it with a gentle curiosity, and others with sheer frustration.
Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?!?!
Seeking desperately for an answer that just won't come.
So over time we accumulate characteristics that we think might define this I we refer to: likes, dislikes, beliefs, values, morals, principles... and so on.
Now think again, where do all of these features come from, they're not appearing out of thin air. In fact we're just taking other peoples likes, dislikes, beliefs, and adopting them as our own. Every belief we have comes from somewhere, we listen, read, watch, and whatever we like we adopt as our own, so now that persons belief is a part of me. It is the I. Or so we believe.
It's a matter of the mind. We could easily change any of these characteristics any day if we so chose.
This can't be what defines us, it's too impermanent. This is the ego.
Yet we are all so convinced that these are this I we were searching for. We need these things, these appearances, these characteristics to define us. Define us compared to what? To everyone else??
The truth is there is no me and you. There's us. We are all one. Inevitably. Interdependent. Whether we like it or not, whether we choose to accept it or refuse it, we're all exactly the same. Love. We are all love. We love to love. Even hate is the fear of love. So let go of the barriers, let go of the fears, and embrace all. May you call them your friend, enemy, or family, we are all one, and we are all love, different parts of the same body. One soul. One love. Without one there would be no other.
And as for the original question of who am I?
I. Is simply I. The sheer act of existing and breathing is all we are. Consciousness you can call it. There is nothing more to it than being. There doesn't need to be more to it.
Who am I?
Sometimes we approach it with a gentle curiosity, and others with sheer frustration.
Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?!?!
Seeking desperately for an answer that just won't come.
So over time we accumulate characteristics that we think might define this I we refer to: likes, dislikes, beliefs, values, morals, principles... and so on.
Now think again, where do all of these features come from, they're not appearing out of thin air. In fact we're just taking other peoples likes, dislikes, beliefs, and adopting them as our own. Every belief we have comes from somewhere, we listen, read, watch, and whatever we like we adopt as our own, so now that persons belief is a part of me. It is the I. Or so we believe.
It's a matter of the mind. We could easily change any of these characteristics any day if we so chose.
This can't be what defines us, it's too impermanent. This is the ego.
Yet we are all so convinced that these are this I we were searching for. We need these things, these appearances, these characteristics to define us. Define us compared to what? To everyone else??
The truth is there is no me and you. There's us. We are all one. Inevitably. Interdependent. Whether we like it or not, whether we choose to accept it or refuse it, we're all exactly the same. Love. We are all love. We love to love. Even hate is the fear of love. So let go of the barriers, let go of the fears, and embrace all. May you call them your friend, enemy, or family, we are all one, and we are all love, different parts of the same body. One soul. One love. Without one there would be no other.
And as for the original question of who am I?
I. Is simply I. The sheer act of existing and breathing is all we are. Consciousness you can call it. There is nothing more to it than being. There doesn't need to be more to it.
But who am I? You may still ponder.
The question is unimportant, the answer exists all on it's own.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
"Live the life you love, love the life you live" - Bob
We're all on our very own journey, going from A to B, trying to get somewhere from here. Be something. Be somewhere. See something, somewhere. Be someone. Somewhere. Somehow.
All these aims, goals, objectives... casting a cloud over the sheer beauty, and miraculousness, of every single instant, that is the now.
... and the end of the day, each of our individual lives, is meaningless, worth nothing in comparison to the infinite never ending life cycles of this planet and the universe. The life of the whole. Afterall we're just life on a rock floating through space and time amongst infinite other rocks. And that's it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Life is much too short to take any of it seriously. So lets enjoy our lives and give love to this planet, for it has been around and shall be around, for a long long time.

All these aims, goals, objectives... casting a cloud over the sheer beauty, and miraculousness, of every single instant, that is the now.
The world is absolutely filled, jam packed, bursting.. with wonders. Miracles.
... and the end of the day, each of our individual lives, is meaningless, worth nothing in comparison to the infinite never ending life cycles of this planet and the universe. The life of the whole. Afterall we're just life on a rock floating through space and time amongst infinite other rocks. And that's it. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Life is much too short to take any of it seriously. So lets enjoy our lives and give love to this planet, for it has been around and shall be around, for a long long time.
There is no us and them in this great circle of life. We are all one. All life, here on earth.
One superorganism.
One superorganism.
The sun. The moon. The earth.
Air. Water. Fire.
The ying and the yang.
Peace, love, and harmony.
You may call me cuckoo...
But this a world where angels do exist, and dreams really do come true. With love, light, and intention, all our hearts desire are at our fingertips.
Just ask and you shall recieve.
So live and love, for this life.
Play with water and dance with fire.
Dance! Dance! Dance!
to your hearts desire.
Let lose and feel life.
All there is to do, is be
As the earth pounds beneath your feat, be gone with the wind.
As our good old friend Bob would say "live the life you love, love the life you live". Live it to the fullest, squeeze every last drop of juice out of it. And savour it .
And have no fear of death, for certainly the journey does not end there.
It is only the end of the beginning.
Monday, 11 June 2012
What this world could be..
This is a video about the venus project. It's an idea. An idea of how this world could be, without money, all living as one. It's just one idea. A possibility. Something like this, is the ONLY way forward.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Growing up and the paranormal
We enter this life innocent and pure. Full of creativity and joy, with our imaginations running wild. The only sadness we know is when our needs of love, food, and sleep are left unfulfilled. None of these crazy mind games and problems we create for ourselves now. Now that we've "grown up".
As children we know we are children and our parents are "grown ups", we almost admire them, one day we will be them, one day we will "grow up". We believe in magic, fairies, angels, the paranormal; but we know the grown ups don't believe in these, and so the idea is planted: one day we will be like that, one day we must "grow up".
I ask why? Why does "growing up" mean letting go of our imagination, our creativity, our search for fun. Why do we stop playing? Stop making believe? Stop being silly? Stop creating?
Why does growing mean becoming so damn serious?
Grown ups can play, and I know for a fact we enjoy it too. So why not do it? It is OK. It is the most beautiful thing to see adults playing and enjoying the simple things that they did as kid.
I was walking along the street one day and there was a man making really really big bubbles, the size of humans. Everyone was stopping, adults, children, dogs. It brought so much happiness. Smiles, joy, amazement. Just for some bubbles. So simple. Yet if that man hadn't been right bang in the middle of the street, nobody would have been enjoying this.
Why as "grown ups" do we forget to make times for these simple pleasures?
Or even play dough ("modelling clay" if you want). You give an adult play dough, and they have so much fun with it, I've seen it. Merging colors together and creating. Or any toy really, you see it, adults playing with kids, when they're not absolutely exhausted from running after them, we love it. And it is ok to play, there is nothing wrong with being what some might call "childish". Its ok to enjoy these "childish" games. It's not being childish after all, it's going back to our essence, where we originated. There was never any reason to change. There was never a need to "grow up". It's just an idea planted in all out heads, and we all do it, it's what everyone does, but there's no need. What we NEED is to enjoy ourselves, to have fun, to play, to create, to be. We were born that way, why is there this idea that that should end.
Another notion that comes about as we "grow up" is that everything should make sense, everything should be logical. We have to be able to explain everything, understand everything. If we can't explain something logically then it is not possible.
I assure you, the paranormal exists.
Extra terrestrials. They are out there. There is no reason why we should be the only life form in all this space. Humans have encountered them. Yet we try to deny it. Why? If you don't believe it then even just crop circles. We don't have the intelligence to produce these. These extra terrestrials are of super high intelligence, they have the answers to all our problems of scarcity which they try to communicate with us through these crop circles. Yet you tell some people this and they'll just laugh in your face (On a side note I strongly reccomend watching Thrive, you can watch it online for free at . This documentary discusses possible sources of unlimited free energy and other really interesting matters)
Just because we don't understand something, doesn't make it any less real.
Then there's magic. Magic is real. Life is magic. The fact that we all exist here, with everything else on this planet, in what once was such a harmonious manner - that is magic.
As humans we have the ability to control things with out mind: move objects, bring things about. Once upon a time in many cultures this was common, yet as we have "advanced" and progressed to where we are today we no longer need these powers, and so the have been forgotten. Today we underestimate the power of the human mind. We live in an era where we hardly use our brains anymore, but I assure you, the human mind is one of the most powerful things out there. Telepathy, telekenesis, teleporting. We can communicate with just brain waves, but we have phones and computers these days, so all these skills have been forgotten. We even have the ability to heal ourselves and others. But we have hospitals and medicine which we have to pay for now, so why use our own free abilities. It's madness. We've managed to create so many things that can do everything for us, we no longer do anything for ourselves. We've forgotten, but we can remember.
All it takes is belief, patience, and time, to reconnect with this. It's all real.
Then there are the non-physical beings. One might call them ghosts, spirits. It's all real. You feel them, that presence, that energy, it's undeniable. Yet we're brought to believe that these are just fairytales, and we accept this. We accept everything we're told. So here's me telling you now:
anything and everything is possible: magic, fairies, spirits, ghosts, teleporting, telepathy, all of it. All it takes is reconnecting with our true essence and who we are, and from there it can all happen.
As children we know we are children and our parents are "grown ups", we almost admire them, one day we will be them, one day we will "grow up". We believe in magic, fairies, angels, the paranormal; but we know the grown ups don't believe in these, and so the idea is planted: one day we will be like that, one day we must "grow up".
I ask why? Why does "growing up" mean letting go of our imagination, our creativity, our search for fun. Why do we stop playing? Stop making believe? Stop being silly? Stop creating?
Why does growing mean becoming so damn serious?
Grown ups can play, and I know for a fact we enjoy it too. So why not do it? It is OK. It is the most beautiful thing to see adults playing and enjoying the simple things that they did as kid.
I was walking along the street one day and there was a man making really really big bubbles, the size of humans. Everyone was stopping, adults, children, dogs. It brought so much happiness. Smiles, joy, amazement. Just for some bubbles. So simple. Yet if that man hadn't been right bang in the middle of the street, nobody would have been enjoying this.
Why as "grown ups" do we forget to make times for these simple pleasures?
Or even play dough ("modelling clay" if you want). You give an adult play dough, and they have so much fun with it, I've seen it. Merging colors together and creating. Or any toy really, you see it, adults playing with kids, when they're not absolutely exhausted from running after them, we love it. And it is ok to play, there is nothing wrong with being what some might call "childish". Its ok to enjoy these "childish" games. It's not being childish after all, it's going back to our essence, where we originated. There was never any reason to change. There was never a need to "grow up". It's just an idea planted in all out heads, and we all do it, it's what everyone does, but there's no need. What we NEED is to enjoy ourselves, to have fun, to play, to create, to be. We were born that way, why is there this idea that that should end.
Another notion that comes about as we "grow up" is that everything should make sense, everything should be logical. We have to be able to explain everything, understand everything. If we can't explain something logically then it is not possible.
I assure you, the paranormal exists.
Extra terrestrials. They are out there. There is no reason why we should be the only life form in all this space. Humans have encountered them. Yet we try to deny it. Why? If you don't believe it then even just crop circles. We don't have the intelligence to produce these. These extra terrestrials are of super high intelligence, they have the answers to all our problems of scarcity which they try to communicate with us through these crop circles. Yet you tell some people this and they'll just laugh in your face (On a side note I strongly reccomend watching Thrive, you can watch it online for free at . This documentary discusses possible sources of unlimited free energy and other really interesting matters)
Just because we don't understand something, doesn't make it any less real.
Then there's magic. Magic is real. Life is magic. The fact that we all exist here, with everything else on this planet, in what once was such a harmonious manner - that is magic.
As humans we have the ability to control things with out mind: move objects, bring things about. Once upon a time in many cultures this was common, yet as we have "advanced" and progressed to where we are today we no longer need these powers, and so the have been forgotten. Today we underestimate the power of the human mind. We live in an era where we hardly use our brains anymore, but I assure you, the human mind is one of the most powerful things out there. Telepathy, telekenesis, teleporting. We can communicate with just brain waves, but we have phones and computers these days, so all these skills have been forgotten. We even have the ability to heal ourselves and others. But we have hospitals and medicine which we have to pay for now, so why use our own free abilities. It's madness. We've managed to create so many things that can do everything for us, we no longer do anything for ourselves. We've forgotten, but we can remember.
All it takes is belief, patience, and time, to reconnect with this. It's all real.
Then there are the non-physical beings. One might call them ghosts, spirits. It's all real. You feel them, that presence, that energy, it's undeniable. Yet we're brought to believe that these are just fairytales, and we accept this. We accept everything we're told. So here's me telling you now:
anything and everything is possible: magic, fairies, spirits, ghosts, teleporting, telepathy, all of it. All it takes is reconnecting with our true essence and who we are, and from there it can all happen.
Saturday, 26 May 2012
The essence of being human: to be and be happy. Right now.
The essential nature of humans is to be.
Just be.
Existing in harmony with all our surroundings. Be it people, animals, plants, a mountain, or a river. Everything. It is that simple to be fully content and satisfied with the life you're living. Enjoy and savour to the fullest every single moment. Where you are. How you feel. How it feels to be where you are. The past, it's not real, it's not current, it's imaginary, just signals being transmitted in your brain. It's not concrete. Nothing can be achieved by reliving the past, worrying about, thinking about what could have been, how you could have done better. It's not worth it, all it can bring you is unhappiness. Why opt for unhappiness and disatisfaction when you can opt for happiness? Yes there are also the happy memories, but then, you've already enjoyed those moments, and reliving them takes you out of the bauty of this moment which you can only experience right now! Regrets bring sadness, and without all of those regrets you would not be the person you here today, and you are meant to be this person. Everything in the world, this life, everything, is exactly how its supposed to be. Our life is a never ending learning curve.
If you choose to learn.
Every single experience has something to teach you. It is the worst moments that are the ones we have the most to learn from, so look at them. Focus on what brings you fear, anger, the characteristics you dislike about people; these are what can teach you the most, what you have the most to learn from. When we don't learn from our mistakes, we repeat them over and over again. The same mistake over and over, and you ask yourself why? Why always to you?? You haven't learned. At the core of these errors is always a spiritual message. A lesson.
There is so much to learn.
Back to being.
I am.
The essence of life.
The past is done, so forget about it. As for the future, it is unknown to us, uncertain. We have absolutely no control over it; and that's ok! Some find this scary. Powerless to THE future. Others refuse to accept this, and try and try to control it. It is extremely stressful and tiresome. Most of all, unecessary. We don't need to control the future. All we have to do is accept it, because if we let it play out, everything WILL be exactly how it is supposed to be. And as a bonus, by not worrying, you get to live in the moment and enjoy yourself. Enjoy here and now, don't waste your time, and your happiness worrying about what might or might not be. You will never know until you're living it so chill out a minute and relax. Plus by the time whatever you were worrying about actually happens you'll probably be too busy worrying about sthe next thing to care anymore.
It's funny. The way we've brought ourselves to live.
So many people walk around in a daze, zoned out by the amount of different things going on everwhere. On autopilot. Tv, computers, videogames, staring at these screens just feeding you information, zoned out, totally unaware of what's going on in the surroundings. Notice how people often don't hear you when they're using these electronics. Very little thinking for ourselves. The same brief polite conversations with the shopkeeper. Or no communication at all with the lady at the cash desk. The brain needs exercize. SOCIAL NETWORKING. What happened to real life socialization? Phones. Sms. Constantly on these gadgets. You see it everywhere. People together all constantly looking down at screens, going out of the moment. Leaving the happingess, trying unsuccessfully to be somewhere else. Which they're not.
It makes no sense.
Trying to be these super beings. We want it all. To be everywhere, to do everything, to know everyone, to know everything, to have everything,just give us more more MORE!!! And for what purpose?! There will always be more to want, to know, to do, see, to have, we will never have it all.
We want to be gods. For what purpose?
This is not happiness. Having it all, knowing it all, that doesn't bring happiness. There still is that tight empty feeling in the pit of your stomach, the one shouting at you that's somethings missing. Or maybe it's just a whisper telling you that something isn't right. Listen to that voice. Feel it. That's the essence of your being. Juts feel it. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breath and see what it actually feels like. There you go. You're being. Once you pay attention to that emptiness, feel it, it doesn't feel so bad. It's like a shout. Calling out to you, shouting, screaming. You want to be.
What is missing is happiness. All it takes to be happy is to live in the moment, and not worry, becase nothing really does matter other than being happy. Nothing. Just be, and be happy. You and only you can provide yourself with this. It is so simple, yet we forget it. Sometimes we think it's the right thing to put others happiness first, it isn't. If you are unhappy you send out those vibrations, and project that unhappiness on those around you, those you care for, those you love. And attract those vibrations. Energy. It's like if you put two guitar strings on two walls opposite each other. Pull a guitar string on one, and the same vibration will ring back from the other. Just like that when you're vibrating happiness and love, this will be projected on you're surroundings and the people within those surroundings. Your happiness will bring happiness to those around you. It's hard to be unhappy around a happy person.
So simple.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Here and Now
Pienso que..
I am of the opinion that, sometimes, setting ourselves goals isn't always the best way to approach life; and we do it is vital not to forget to enjoy the journey. This happens far too often.
The aim of accomplishing and achieving overshadows the beauty of each individual moment of the journey. The entire experience is just a blur.
Focusing only on the objective can cause us to forget how wonderful this moment we're experiencing right now is.
We want to be there, at the finish line, here just isn't good enough.
Here is always good enough.
Now is always good enough.
Without every single other here and now, we wouldn't be who we are here, right now.
I am of the opinion that, sometimes, setting ourselves goals isn't always the best way to approach life; and we do it is vital not to forget to enjoy the journey. This happens far too often.
The aim of accomplishing and achieving overshadows the beauty of each individual moment of the journey. The entire experience is just a blur.
Focusing only on the objective can cause us to forget how wonderful this moment we're experiencing right now is.
We want to be there, at the finish line, here just isn't good enough.
Here is always good enough.
Now is always good enough.
Without every single other here and now, we wouldn't be who we are here, right now.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Friday, 30 March 2012
Point of reflection
The only one true real concrete thing we have is this moment here. Right now.
Everything else
is just thoughts, memories
and dreams.
And even then
none of it's certain.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Clearly I'm obsessed.
But they're everywhere.
Reflections of the concrete world.
A parallel life.
Maybe just in a puddle.
Or a drop of dew.
A glass of water.
Or even a glass of wine.
Lakes, rivers, and waterfalls.
Windows, broken glass, and mirrors.
The sea.
And the sand.
And sometimes even in people.
Their clothes.
Or maybe their jewellry.
Or that which they carry.
Light is reflected everywhere.
In everything.
Even the blades of grass reflect, ever so slightly, the colour of the sky.
You see it everywhere. Whatever color the sky is. It gives that tint of color to everything beneath it.
Look around you, maybe some evening, when the sun is setting, and the sky's intense. It may be orange, maybe purple. Or maybe that clear blue on a sunny day.
how at different times your surroundings are colored slightly differently.
It's gorgeous.
Especially at the beach.
The sea and the sand. And then the sky. All one.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Another world
I find them so beautiful.
And much too often left unnoticed.
So many different beautiful characteristics.
Sometimes due to their pure utter confusion.
And other times it's their sheer clarity that catches you and blows you away.
The mystery, the illusion, the moment. The wholes scene and it as part of it.
Friday, 2 March 2012
If you're a hippy and you know it clap your hands
"All of life is an experiment, and I intend to experiment with it far beyond the status quo"
So before we enter this insanity of intricate pathways, tunnels, rivers, and mountains throughout my mind, I believe it is only appropriate that we discuss the term "hippy".
We've already established we all have our own beliefs, so what are the hippy beliefs??
I'd say what first comes to mind to most people when I say hippy is the 1960's flower child. Flower power. Peace, love, and happiness. Now that's what makes the world go round, not these numbers they call money. Look where that go us, all these intricate systems of interactions where we don't know half the people involved in the process. It's madness. I long for the days where goods and services were traded for other gooda and services. One on one human interaction. No multinational companies. No banks. A simple life. Back to basics.
Peace. Love. Happiness. The basic foundation for all hippy beliefs, or definitely mine anyway. Of course there is no one definitive definition of what or who a hippy is, there's such a variety of us. All different yet the same. That's the beauty of it. Each individual. Truly unique.
My first encounter with the true old school hippies from the 60s was last summer, at a hippy reunion on the Greek Island of Crete. Right on the sea there's a wall of caves, which back in the 60s were fully inhabited by the hippies. Of course today that would be illegal. A beach covered in true souls. True spirits. True hippies. So much love. So much peace. So much happiness. Pure self expression everywhere you looked. Art. Dancing. Music. Games. Fire. Laughter. Smiles. Joy everywhere. Yet none of these words are used in todays conventional definition of hippy.
Here's what I found when I googled hippy:
"a person whose behaviour, dress, use of drugs, etc. implies a rejection of conventional values" (
This. Seriously. Bothers me. The association of hippies with drugs. The association of hippies with rebellion. The association of hippies with disregard.
Being a hippy is not about disregard to the law, it's about the peace, the love, and the happiness that surrounds us during every second of every moment we life. Being inspired by these, and thus inspiring others with them. It's about free love. Universal love. Being who you are and doing "your thing" as long as it doesn't come at the cost of hurting others. It's about being who you want to be, living how you want to live, and sharing all of it.
I would like to make it clear that the above definition is HORRENDOUS. Here follow the true hippy symptoms, as percieved by the old 1960's hippies themselves.
True hippy symptoms:
-The ability to enjoy each and every moment to it's fullest
-a loss of interest in judging other
-a loss of interest in judging ones self
-a loss of interest in conflict
-being at peace with the world
-an infinite love for all living beings (be it human, animal, plant, or other), and an overpowering need to express this
-a tendency to let things happen rather than control that which we have no control over
- no worries
-a need to share the peace, love, and happiness that overwhelms one
-free spirits
-open minded
-being in touch with life, beyond the material world
-a love for the beauty of nature
-an acceptance of all. All living creatures, their beliefs, and their lifestyles.
-self expression through creativity. art in all its forms.
Now these are only a few of the symptoms, and maybe all won't always apply to one person, but you get the idea.
We're not about making a statement and fighting what's conventional. What we're about is sharing, caring, and loving. Living and letting live. Enjoying the beauty of this perfectionately imperfectionate mindblowing awe inspiring planet we live on, and living as one with it. All in the great circle of life.
I'm going to end with a Timothy Leary quote. He started the phrase "turn on, tune in, drop out" which seems to be very appropriate in describing the hippy lifestyle. So here it is, his definition of "turn on, tune in, drop out" in his autobiography in 1983, flashback:
“Turn on’ meant go within to activate your neural and genetic equipment. Become sensitive to the many and various levels of consciousness and the specific triggers that engage them... ‘Tune in’ meant interact harmoniously with the world around you – externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives. Drop out suggested an elective, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. ‘Drop Out’ meant self-reliance, a discovery of one’s singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change.
Forgive me for using this term"hippy". We're no type of people of our own. Just people of the world, like everyone else.
Peace and love.
So before we enter this insanity of intricate pathways, tunnels, rivers, and mountains throughout my mind, I believe it is only appropriate that we discuss the term "hippy".
We've already established we all have our own beliefs, so what are the hippy beliefs??
I'd say what first comes to mind to most people when I say hippy is the 1960's flower child. Flower power. Peace, love, and happiness. Now that's what makes the world go round, not these numbers they call money. Look where that go us, all these intricate systems of interactions where we don't know half the people involved in the process. It's madness. I long for the days where goods and services were traded for other gooda and services. One on one human interaction. No multinational companies. No banks. A simple life. Back to basics.
Peace. Love. Happiness. The basic foundation for all hippy beliefs, or definitely mine anyway. Of course there is no one definitive definition of what or who a hippy is, there's such a variety of us. All different yet the same. That's the beauty of it. Each individual. Truly unique.
My first encounter with the true old school hippies from the 60s was last summer, at a hippy reunion on the Greek Island of Crete. Right on the sea there's a wall of caves, which back in the 60s were fully inhabited by the hippies. Of course today that would be illegal. A beach covered in true souls. True spirits. True hippies. So much love. So much peace. So much happiness. Pure self expression everywhere you looked. Art. Dancing. Music. Games. Fire. Laughter. Smiles. Joy everywhere. Yet none of these words are used in todays conventional definition of hippy.
Here's what I found when I googled hippy:
"a person whose behaviour, dress, use of drugs, etc. implies a rejection of conventional values" (
This. Seriously. Bothers me. The association of hippies with drugs. The association of hippies with rebellion. The association of hippies with disregard.
Being a hippy is not about disregard to the law, it's about the peace, the love, and the happiness that surrounds us during every second of every moment we life. Being inspired by these, and thus inspiring others with them. It's about free love. Universal love. Being who you are and doing "your thing" as long as it doesn't come at the cost of hurting others. It's about being who you want to be, living how you want to live, and sharing all of it.
I would like to make it clear that the above definition is HORRENDOUS. Here follow the true hippy symptoms, as percieved by the old 1960's hippies themselves.
-The ability to enjoy each and every moment to it's fullest
-a loss of interest in judging other
-a loss of interest in judging ones self
-a loss of interest in conflict
-being at peace with the world
-an infinite love for all living beings (be it human, animal, plant, or other), and an overpowering need to express this
-a tendency to let things happen rather than control that which we have no control over
- no worries
-a need to share the peace, love, and happiness that overwhelms one
-free spirits
-open minded
-being in touch with life, beyond the material world
-a love for the beauty of nature
-an acceptance of all. All living creatures, their beliefs, and their lifestyles.
-self expression through creativity. art in all its forms.
Now these are only a few of the symptoms, and maybe all won't always apply to one person, but you get the idea.
We're not about making a statement and fighting what's conventional. What we're about is sharing, caring, and loving. Living and letting live. Enjoying the beauty of this perfectionately imperfectionate mindblowing awe inspiring planet we live on, and living as one with it. All in the great circle of life.
I'm going to end with a Timothy Leary quote. He started the phrase "turn on, tune in, drop out" which seems to be very appropriate in describing the hippy lifestyle. So here it is, his definition of "turn on, tune in, drop out" in his autobiography in 1983, flashback:
“Turn on’ meant go within to activate your neural and genetic equipment. Become sensitive to the many and various levels of consciousness and the specific triggers that engage them... ‘Tune in’ meant interact harmoniously with the world around you – externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives. Drop out suggested an elective, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. ‘Drop Out’ meant self-reliance, a discovery of one’s singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change.
Forgive me for using this term"hippy". We're no type of people of our own. Just people of the world, like everyone else.
Peace and love.
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Who are we?
So much to say, and nothing but time and this crazy invention they call the internet to transmit it.
Beliefs. We all have our own, they're reassuring. Tell us that there is some basic meaning to life, some sense, some codes that we have to live by. That this life is not just a meaningless nonsense, otheriwse, how would we know how to live? There are many different believers, two categories being: those who stick to their values and won't budge an inch, it's their way; and those who are open to all, because really, who really truly has a true solid unarguable foundation for their beliefs. God. have you seen him or touched him in a concrete manner?? Buddhism. No concrete evidence of it being a correct way to live, just faith in that it is the correct way to live by. The way you would like to live your life. Everyone has their own, and even if it's not in a religious way or political way, just the way you live your life, what makes you make make your decisions, choose your path. We all have different morals, different ideologies, and there's nothing wrong and nothing right with any of these views, they're all just different, which really is the beauty in it. We all are different, human, but different, and in the society we live in today I feel this individuality is being lost, as we categorize and try to fit in. We adapt to our surroundings, thinking that by being the same we'll gain respect, love, just a place within the circle. Other times it's not even intentional, we just absorb our surroundings, it's what we know, we go towards it, it's not so easy to become something unfamiliar. Something different. Someone strange. Where do you even begin?
I'm not here to preach, just to share. These are my views. My beliefs. They won't be right for everyone, but they're right for me, with them I can live in peace. Through sharing them I just hope to bring about some reflection.
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